Anatomy Case Based Questions - KEY





1.     Probable Diagnosis – Dislocation of Shoulder Joint (Sub-clavicular Position);

Anatomical Basis – Dislocated head of the Humerus lying below the clavicle, compressing the medial cutaneous nerve of arm;

Affected Joint – Shoulder Joint.


2.     Probable Diagnosis – Axillary Artery Aneurysm;

Structures Affected – Axillary Artery & Axillary Nerve;

Structure producing the swelling – Axillary Artery.


3.     Condition – Erb’s Palsy with Porter’s Tip Hand;

Injured Structure – Erb’s Point on the Upper Trunk of Brachial Plexus;

Involved Structure – Brachial Plexus.


4.      Probable Diagnosis – Carcinoma of left Breast;

Affected Structure – Mammary Gland.


5.      Probable Diagnosis – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome;

Structure Affected – Median Nerve.


6.      Condition – Saturday Night Palsy;

Structure Involved – Radial Nerve.


7.      Affected Structure – Ulnar Nerve.


8.      Probable Diagnosis – Dislocation of Elbow Joint;

Deformed Joint – Elbow Joint.



1.   Probable Diagnosis – Mumps;

Structure Affected – Parotid Gland.


2.      Probable Diagnosis – Goitre due to Hyperthyroidism;

Affected Structure – Thyroid Gland.


3.      Probable Diagnosis – Bell’s Palsy;

Structure Affected – Facial Nerve.


4.      Probable Diagnosis – Carcinoma of Tongue;

Affected Organ – Tongue.


5.      Condition – Black Eye;

Anatomical Basis – Blood passing deep to epicranial aponeurosis of the scalp and collecting around the eyes forming black eye;

Injured Area – Scalp.


6.      Probable Diagnosis – Otitis Media;

Affected Region – Middle Ear.


7.      Structure Injured – Spinal Accessory Nerve;

Involved Area of the Neck – Posterior Triangle.


8.      Probable Diagnosis – Potato Tumour;

Structure Affected – Common Carotid Artery;

Area of neck in front of the Sternocleidomastoid muscle Anterior triangle.


9.      Area having the foreign body – Larynx.


10.  Probable Diagnosis – Thrombosis of Cavernous Sinus;

Affected Venous Sinus Cavernous Sinus.


11.  Probable Diagnosis – Oculomotor nerve palsy;

Muscles Affected Superior rectus, Inferior rectus, Medial rectus, Inferior oblique & Levator palpebrae superioris;

Muscles Producing the Movements of Eyeball – Extra-ocular muscles.


12.  Probable Diagnosis – Maxillary Sinusitis;

Relation with the Nasal cavity – Pus from the maxillary sinus enters the nasal cavity through maxillary hiatus which opens at the hiatus semilunaris of middle meatus;

Nasal wall involved Lateral wall of Nose.


13.  Probable Diagnosis – Bilateral Dislocation of Temporomandibular Joint;

Affected Joint Temporomandibular Joint.


1.  Probable Diagnosis – Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident);

Affected Area of White Matter of Cerebrum – Internal Capsule.


2.      Probable Diagnosis – Cerebellar Tumour / Medulloblastoma;

Structure Affected – Cerebellum.


3.      Probable Diagnosis – Obstructive Hydrocephalus;

Largest Ventricle of Brain – Lateral ventricle.


4.      Affected Cerebral Artery – Middle Cerebral Artery.


5.      Affected Portion of White Matter of Cerebrum – Corpus Callosum.




1.  Probable Diagnosis – Stable Angina / Angina Pectoris;

Causative Structures – Coronary Arteries.


2.      Probable Diagnosis – Unstable Angina / Myocardial Infarction;

Causative Structures – Coronary Arteries.


3.      Probable Diagnosis – Lung Cancer suggestive of Hilar Tumour;

Affected Organ – Lung.


4.      Probable Diagnosis – Lung Cancer suggestive of Apical Tumour;

Affected Organ – Lung.


5.      Probable Diagnosis – Pleural Effusion;

Anatomical basis – Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity compressing the inferior lobe of right lung;

Structure showing the lesion – Pleura.


6.      Probable Spaces of Chest wall approached – 5th or 6th Intercostal spaces;

Spaces of Chest Wall – Intercostal Spaces.


7.      Heart Chamber involved with the Thrombus – Right Atrium.


1.  Probable Diagnosis - Carcinoma of Head of the Pancreas;

Anatomical Basis for the Symptoms – Enlarged head of the Pancreas obstructing the 2nd part of Duodenum & Bile duct;

Affected Organ – Pancreas.


2.      Probable Diagnosis – Acquired Diaphragmatic Hernia due to rupture of left hemi-diaphragm;

Structure Injured – Thoraco-abdominal Diaphragm.


3.      Probable Diagnosis – Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (Bochdalek’s Hernia);

Structure Affected – Thoraco-abdominal Diaphragm.


4.      Probable Diagnosis – Cirrhosis of Liver;

Affected Organ – Liver.


5.      Probable Diagnosis – Portal Hypertension causing Caput Medusae;

Anatomical Basis – Portal vein is obstructed by enlarged liver and causing portal hypertension leading to back flow of venous blood from the portal vein tributaries into the tributaries of vena caval system, producing varicose veins around the umbilicus;

Structure causing the dilatation of veins – Portal vein.


6.      Probable Diagnosis – Portal Hypertension causing Oesophageal Varices;

Anatomical Basis – Portal vein is obstructed by enlarged liver and causing portal hypertension leading to back flow of venous blood from the portal vein tributaries into the tributaries of vena caval system, producing varicose veins at the lower end of oesophagus. Rupture of oesophageal varices leads to blood vomiting;

Structure causing the blood vomiting – Portal vein.


7.      Probable Diagnosis – Internal Haemorrhoids or Piles;

Anatomical Basis – Superior rectal veins are obstructed at ano-rectal junction due to pressure produced by constipation causing dilated inferior rectal veins draining the anal canal. Such dilated tortuous veins bulging into the lumen of anal canal are called haemorrhoids or piles. Erosion or rupture of haemorrhoids due to hard faecal matter cause blood-stained stools;

Structure Affected with Swellings – Anal canal.


8.      Probable Diagnosis – Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH);

Affected Organ – Prostate Gland.


9.      Probable Diagnosis – Carcinoma of Prostatic Gland;

Affected Organ – Prostate Gland.


10.  Probable Diagnosis – Carcinoma of Stomach;

Affected Structure – Stomach.


11.  Probable Diagnosis – Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis;

Viscera Affected with Hypertrophy – Stomach.


12.  Probable Diagnosis – Perforation of First part of Duodenum;

Anatomical Basis – Chronic peptic ulcer affecting the posterior wall of first part of duodenum may cause perforation of the wall and erosion of gastroduodenal artery running behind the first part of duodenum, which leads to haemorrhage in the peritoneal cavity;

Affected Viscera – Duodenum.


13.  Probable Diagnosis – Strangulated Indirect Inguinal Hernia;

Groin Area Involved – Inguinal Canal.


14.  Probable Diagnosis – Direct Inguinal Hernia;

Groin Area Involved – Inguinal Canal.


15.  Probable Diagnosis – Indirect Inguinal Hernia;

Groin Area Involved – Inguinal Canal.


16.  Probable Diagnosis – Undescended Testis;

Structure Involved – Testis.


17.  Probable Diagnosis – Prolapse of Uterus;

Involved Organ – Uterus.


18.  Probable Diagnosis – Carcinoma of Uterus;

Involved Organ – Uterus.


19.  Probable Diagnosis – Polycystic Kidneys;

Affected Viscera – Kidneys.


20.  Probable Diagnosis – Carcinoma of Rectum;

Affected Structure – Rectum.


21.  Probable Diagnosis – Urinary Bladder Calculus;

Affected Pelvic Viscera – Urinary Bladder.


1.  Probable Diagnosis – Femoral Hernia;

Involved Region of the Thigh – Femoral Triangle.


2.      Probable Site of Fracture – Acetabulum of Hip Bone;

Joint Affected – Hip Joint.


3.      Condition – Foot Drop;

Structure Affected due to the Fracture – Common Peroneal Nerve.


4.      Probable Diagnosis – Sciatica due to compression of a root of Sciatic Nerve by the Herniated disc;

Structure Affected – Sciatic Nerve.


5.      Probable Diagnosis – Rupture of Anterior Cruciate Ligament;

      Affected Joint – Knee Joint.


6.      Condition – Varicose Veins;

Structure Affected – Great Saphenous Vein.


7.      Probable Diagnosis – Ankle Sprain;

Involved Joint – Ankle Joint.


8.      Probable Diagnosis – Popliteal Artery Aneurysm;

Involved Area Behind the Knee – Popliteal Fossa.


9.      Probable Diagnosis – Flat Foot;

Anatomical Basis – Due to cut injury behind the medial malleolus the tibialis posterior tendon is damaged and the muscle became atrophic which has led to the loss of suspension of medial longitudinal arch resulting in Flat foot.


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