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White Matter of Cerebrum

  WHITE  MATTER  OF  CEREBRUM Nerve fibres forming the white matter of cerebrum are derived from the axons of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex. They are classified into 3 groups – Association fibres Projection fibres Commissural fibres   ASSOCIATION   FIBRES These fibres connect the cortical areas of the same hemisphere. They consist of two sets – Short & Long fibres . Short   Association   Fibres :- They connect the adjacent gyri. They are intra-cortical or sub-cortical in arrangement. Long   Association   Fibres :- They connect the gyri which are separated from one another by considerable interval. They are arranged in 5 bundles . Cingulum – It is an arched bundle lies within the cingulate gyrus. The fibres belong to limbic lobe and form a part of Papez circuit . Uncinate Fasciculus – It is an arched bundle and hooks around the stem of lateral sulcus

Functional Areas of Cerebral Cortex

FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF CEREBRAL CORTEX Cerebral cortex is divided into a number of areas for functional analysis. Frequently referred functional areas are “ 52 areas of Brodmann ”. Cortical areas are divided into- Motor Areas Sensory Areas  Psychical Area MOTOR AREAS Motor areas occupy Frontal lobe . They are further subdivided into- Primary Motor Area (Area No. 4) Pre-Motor Area (Areas 6 & 8) Supplementary Motor Area Pre-Frontal Area (Areas 9 - 12) PRIMARY MOTOR AREA (AREA NO. 4) Location :- Pre-central gyrus & anterior part of paracentral lobule . Connections :- Afferents- From ventral nuclei of thalamus. From other cortical areas of same hemisphere through association fibres. From cortical areas of opposite hemisphere through commissural fibres. Efferents- Cortico-bulbar tract Cortico-nuclear tract Cortico-spinal tract Fronto-pontine fibres Fibres to corpus striatum Fibres to red nucleus Fibres to brain stem Fibres to reticular nuclei Functions :- Control

Posterior Triangle of Neck

  POSTERIOR  TRIANGLE  OF  NECK (Find the Video Tutorial Here 👇 )       The side of the neck is divided diagonally by sternocleidomastoid muscle into anterior & posterior triangles.        Posterior triangle of the neck lies behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle. BOUNDARIES In Front :- Posterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle. Behind :- Anterior border of trapezius muscle. Apex :- Superior nuchal line of the occipital bone. Base :- Middle 1/3 rd of the clavicle. Floor :- Semispinalis capitis (occasional) Splenius capitis Levator scapulae Scalenus posterior Scalenus medius Outer border of first rib First digitation of Serratus anterior Prevertebral fascia covering all the floor structures Roof :- Skin, superficial fascia, platysma, investing layer of deep cervical fascia. The roof is crossed by supraclavicular nerves & external jugular vein. SUBDIVISIONS 2.5cm above the clavicle inferior belly of omohyoid muscle di